Thursday, December 15, 2016

Dirty Dishes and Hairy Legs

If you stepped into my house, right at this moment, you would think I just fed an army and did their laundry while I was feeding them. Which is 100% false. In fact, my husband hasn't been home much the past week and my son still only eats from bottles.

Then there is me. I have shaved my legs maybe 3 times since my son was born (6 months ago). I have spit up crusted on my skirt. I wake up, get myself and the baby ready, drop him of at his grandma's house, go to work, get home and try to manage the house. Before I fall into bed, exhausted, overwhelmed, and sometimes defeated.

But tonight the dishes can wait. 

Because in 10 years, he won't remember the dishes weren't always clean. He won't remember the pile of unfolded laundry that has sat on my dresser for the past few days. He won't care that I haven't shaved my legs. He will care that I played on the floor with him. He will know that I love him and want to make memories with him. He will know that it is OK to be overwhelmed sometimes and not do everything on your to-do list. He will know that his mama tried. 

So for right now, I'm ok with dirty dishes and hairy legs.